Making Your Brain Your Ally In 3 Simple Steps

Do you have that project you want really badly? Do you have it thought out and almost ready to go, but never seem to get there? Chances are, you do. Many of us have that one big idea that we would love to see come into existence, but time goes by and the idea stays just that: an idea.

It’s likely that if you are experiencing this sort of problem, it is because you have been more focused on the obstacles and problems associated with the idea rather than on the project itself. Can you think of the obstacles that are in your way? It may be money, lack of time, worry about change and so on. It’s likely that you have a very clear idea on the obstacles on your path, maybe even a better idea than of the path itself.However, this can work against you too, because it turns your very own brain against you. How so? We have neurological pathways – these are, so to speak, circuits of connections between different neurons. When we learn something new, we create a new connection. When we repeat something, we strengthen that connection. Essentially, to make it simple, when we think or talk about something, we are making the associated neurological pathway much stronger. When this happens, not only it becomes stronger, but it becomes a go-to connection when we talk about a topic. So whenever we think about this idea, our brain immediately jumps to the obstacles. We begin to associate it more with the negative aspects than the positive aspects, so it should come as no surprise that we begin lacking motivation or have a hard time putting it in practice. (Read this blog to know more information about business coaching Sydney)

So, what to do with this situation? You can make your brain your ally, and all you need to do is focus on strengthening the connections in your brain associated with the positive aspects that will allow you to think about it more positively and more freely, giving you the chance to consider new alternatives.To do this you need to focus on three steps. Step 1 is to think about what you want. Make it clear in your mind. Step 2 is to write it down, to formulate it clearly and to make it more real. Finally, step 3 is to think and talk about it. You can tell about your idea to your friends, to yourself in the mirror, pray for it – the idea is to keep it in your mind as a strong image through repetition.

If you feel you need a little help with it, a life coach can provide what you need. We welcome you to our site and would like to offer you our coaching services in Sydney, Australia. We provide a life coach that help you make your plans come true and achieve the breakthrough you have been waiting for. Contact us today to book a coaching session or receive a consultation with one of our life coaches!

Building a Diverse and Inclusive Organization

The problem of diversity should have been solved by now, but, sadly, it has not been. People still face workplace discrimination, harassment and other problems. To become a modern, innovative and socially responsible organization, that organization needs to be diverse and inclusive. There are no other options.

When talking about discrimination, it’s important to note that most of us think about the stereotypical racist or 50s style sexist who looks down on other people. However, that image has become rarer in today’s workplaces. Most of the time, the bias is not conscious, it is unconscious. We don’t consciously think that we prefer a man over a woman, for instance, but our unconscious bias may come into play. A good example was an experiment done with orchestras. When the hiring process was done using screens, so that the recruiters could only hear the playing, but could not see who was playing, increased the hiring of women and minorities significantly, because it prevented the bias. The truth is that most people don’t want to discriminate, but lack awareness and don’t see how their own prejudices may affect their decision.

The first step to eliminate or reduce bias is to make the commitment. Many people view diversity as a checklist or just like another irrational requirement. This attitude means that the measures done to increase diversity will be purely cosmetic.

An organization needs to commit to diversity from the highest level. The leaders of the company need to set an example and show a clear idea that diversity is respected in their organization and that it is taken seriously. This means that the management needs to express their views on diversity, participate in diversity-related workshops or events, promote diversity-related initiatives and address any problems related to it head on.

It is important for managers, as well as for recruiters, to make a conscious effort to identify their bias. If they are aware of it, they can do more to overcome it and ensure a fair recruiting process. Measures can be taken to reduce the bias, for example, to have the recruiter read the CV or examine the candidate’s information without knowing their name or gender, if possible. Other measures, depending on the company’s profile and specifics could be implemented.

It is also important to increase the awareness of diversity and its importance, as well as make sure to include different people in the work and in the teams. Diversity can encourage new points of view and promote a more creative and innovative environment. In general, diversity can be encouraged and should be encouraged, so it’s important that the organization commits to promoting it.

If you would like to see how you can make your organization more diverse, you can look for business coaching to help you. We invite you to visit our site and to book a consultation or coaching sessions to see how you can make your organization more inclusive. We offer our services in Sydney, Australia.