Making Your Brain Your Ally In 3 Simple Steps

Do you have that project you want really badly? Do you have it thought out and almost ready to go, but never seem to get there? Chances are, you do. Many of us have that one big idea that we would love to see come into existence, but time goes by and the idea stays just that: an idea.

It’s likely that if you are experiencing this sort of problem, it is because you have been more focused on the obstacles and problems associated with the idea rather than on the project itself. Can you think of the obstacles that are in your way? It may be money, lack of time, worry about change and so on. It’s likely that you have a very clear idea on the obstacles on your path, maybe even a better idea than of the path itself.However, this can work against you too, because it turns your very own brain against you. How so? We have neurological pathways – these are, so to speak, circuits of connections between different neurons. When we learn something new, we create a new connection. When we repeat something, we strengthen that connection. Essentially, to make it simple, when we think or talk about something, we are making the associated neurological pathway much stronger. When this happens, not only it becomes stronger, but it becomes a go-to connection when we talk about a topic. So whenever we think about this idea, our brain immediately jumps to the obstacles. We begin to associate it more with the negative aspects than the positive aspects, so it should come as no surprise that we begin lacking motivation or have a hard time putting it in practice. (Read this blog to know more information about business coaching Sydney)

So, what to do with this situation? You can make your brain your ally, and all you need to do is focus on strengthening the connections in your brain associated with the positive aspects that will allow you to think about it more positively and more freely, giving you the chance to consider new alternatives.To do this you need to focus on three steps. Step 1 is to think about what you want. Make it clear in your mind. Step 2 is to write it down, to formulate it clearly and to make it more real. Finally, step 3 is to think and talk about it. You can tell about your idea to your friends, to yourself in the mirror, pray for it – the idea is to keep it in your mind as a strong image through repetition.

If you feel you need a little help with it, a life coach can provide what you need. We welcome you to our site and would like to offer you our coaching services in Sydney, Australia. We provide a life coach that help you make your plans come true and achieve the breakthrough you have been waiting for. Contact us today to book a coaching session or receive a consultation with one of our life coaches!

Building a Diverse and Inclusive Organization

The problem of diversity should have been solved by now, but, sadly, it has not been. People still face workplace discrimination, harassment and other problems. To become a modern, innovative and socially responsible organization, that organization needs to be diverse and inclusive. There are no other options.

When talking about discrimination, it’s important to note that most of us think about the stereotypical racist or 50s style sexist who looks down on other people. However, that image has become rarer in today’s workplaces. Most of the time, the bias is not conscious, it is unconscious. We don’t consciously think that we prefer a man over a woman, for instance, but our unconscious bias may come into play. A good example was an experiment done with orchestras. When the hiring process was done using screens, so that the recruiters could only hear the playing, but could not see who was playing, increased the hiring of women and minorities significantly, because it prevented the bias. The truth is that most people don’t want to discriminate, but lack awareness and don’t see how their own prejudices may affect their decision.

The first step to eliminate or reduce bias is to make the commitment. Many people view diversity as a checklist or just like another irrational requirement. This attitude means that the measures done to increase diversity will be purely cosmetic.

An organization needs to commit to diversity from the highest level. The leaders of the company need to set an example and show a clear idea that diversity is respected in their organization and that it is taken seriously. This means that the management needs to express their views on diversity, participate in diversity-related workshops or events, promote diversity-related initiatives and address any problems related to it head on.

It is important for managers, as well as for recruiters, to make a conscious effort to identify their bias. If they are aware of it, they can do more to overcome it and ensure a fair recruiting process. Measures can be taken to reduce the bias, for example, to have the recruiter read the CV or examine the candidate’s information without knowing their name or gender, if possible. Other measures, depending on the company’s profile and specifics could be implemented.

It is also important to increase the awareness of diversity and its importance, as well as make sure to include different people in the work and in the teams. Diversity can encourage new points of view and promote a more creative and innovative environment. In general, diversity can be encouraged and should be encouraged, so it’s important that the organization commits to promoting it.

If you would like to see how you can make your organization more diverse, you can look for business coaching to help you. We invite you to visit our site and to book a consultation or coaching sessions to see how you can make your organization more inclusive. We offer our services in Sydney, Australia.

Tips for Getting the Most out of Life: Why Life Coaching Sydney can Change the way you Approach Life

Life coaching Sydney aims to point you in the right direction for productive living skillsLife coaching changes you from the inside out.  You cannot always control what comes at you and goes on around you, but you can use it to your advantage.  There are few tips to get the most out of your life coaching experience.

Life Coaching

-Prepare ahead of time for your first meeting, and all meetings.  Do not expect to remember everything you want to talk about.  A lot can happen between meetings.  Write things down.  You will be surprised at the end of a week how much you can learn from a little journaling.  Make a list of specific points you would like to focus onLife coaching is not a simple task, it takes changing the way you look at things sometimes.  You will be able to track your own thought process along the way as well if you write things down.  This can be very encouraging later on when you go back and look over your progress.

-Take care of yourself.  Your life coach meeting is for you.  Allow yourself to feel special and worthwhile.  You are doing something to benefit your life.  Ladies, wear your new lip gloss or favorite hat.Be yourself.  Prepare for a good day.  Start taking control of the little things to keep yourself healthy physically as well.  Get enough sleep, eat healthy, and get some exercise.  Remind yourself you are important, even if you have to write yourself a note!

-Unclutter your mind.  Most of us go through our day thinking about what comes next, always feeling like we are running behind.  Do the best you can to get tasks out of the way before your appointment so your mind is not somewhere else.  Finish up the assignment for work or school that is due the next day, finish the laundry, and organize the closet, whatever is keeping you from thinking about the task at hand.  You may find that simply taking control of the tasks that overwhelm you starts you on the right track to making necessary changes you need.

Unclutter Your Mind

-Prepare to change.  Our biggest obstacle is often our own mind.  Be open to a different way of thinking.  There really might be a more productive way to view a situation.  Try not to shy away from something different than the way you have always done things.  After all, this is aimed at a supporting a better you.

-Speak up.  Your coach wants you to talk.  This is not a classroom, it is your life.  Be open and honest about your feelings and thoughts in your sessions.  This will help you feel more valued, in control, and will help your coach target areas to work on.

Your self Esteem with Life Coaching should be something that brings a better situation.  Take the effort to get the most out of your investment.  This is the best way to make the changes you want and need.

3 Weird Questions that Help You Find Your Life Purpose

I have always found the weirder the question you being asked, the more you find out about yourself. When we think about these odd or weird questions, we answer more truthfully and we try to make sense of these questions. So why not the answer one of the biggest questions in our life, “What is my purpose in life?”, but what if this question is the wrong one. Should we be asking ourselves “What can I do with my time that is important?” Sydney Life coaches are great at helping you get where you want to be; but you need to know where that is first. Here are some odd questions to ask yourself so you are able to figure something out and maybe find your purpose in life.

Life Purpose

1.     What is true about you today that would make your 8-Year Old Self Cry?

This is a hard question as we are constantly moving forward, and normally we don’t look back. Childhood is an amazing time, it’s the time we are the most creative, and sadly we lose that creativity as we get older.  So think about your 8-year-old self, what was your favorite thing to do? Not to impress anyone, but for the sheer joy of it. Now why did you stop doing that activity? Most answers would make your 8-year old self cry.

2.     How can you better embarrass yourself?

Before you are able to be good at something and do something important, you must first suck at something and have no clue what you’re doing. And in order to suck at something and have no clue what you’re doing, you must embarrass yourself in some shape or form, often repeatedly. Most people try to avoid embarrassing themselves, namely because it sucks and is one the worst things in life. However, most people who avoid embarrassing themselves never get better at something or never do the thing they want to do.

Right now, you are fantasizing about doing something. What is stopping you from doing it? if your reasons are, “My parents would hate it,” or “If I failed, I’d look like an idiot,” then chances are you’re actually avoiding something you truly care about.  Furthermore, caring about that thing is what scares the heck out of you, not what mom thinks or what Bob next door says. Life coaches can help you realize that you may fail, but you may be successful if you just take the first steps.

Life Purpose Resources

3.     If You Knew You Were Going to Die One Year from Today, What Would You Do and How Would You Want to Be Remembered?

This is a morbid question, I know.  However, thinking about our own death surprisingly has a lot of practical advantages. One of those advantages is that it forces us to zero in on what’s actually important in our lives and what’s just distracting us.

What is your legacy going to be? What are the stories people are going to tell about you when you’re gone? What is your obituary going to say? Is there anything to say at all? If not, what would you like it to say? How can you start working towards that today? These are all questions that you should answer at least once in your lifetime. These questions really focus in on what is important to you, and helps you to start creating what you want to leave behind. There is always help from life coaches in Sydney; after you have this goal in mind.

Why Life Coaching and Other Trainings are often Very Similar in Sydney

When you want to learn how to do something, you find a trainer to show you how to make it happen. This can be done with virtually anything in life. You want to learn how to play tennis; you go to a tennis instructor. You want to learn how to drive; you go to a driving instructor. You want to succeed in life, you find a life coach.

A life coach is very similar in nature to other training positions. Instead of showing you one particular skill, they show you how to sharpen all of your skills to be more successful in life.

Scott life Coach

Think about how any other trainer is going to work with you. They want to know what you need help with and then will work with you on developing that skill. They need to get a sense for who you are and what your strengths and weaknesses are. The same is true for a life coach Sydney.

One of the most important things is to be honest about what you need and where you struggle. If you were working with a trainer on the job, you would stick with it for as long as needed in order to know your role. You would want to know the ins and outs to do your job in the most effective way possible.

The same needs to hold true when you work with a life coach. He or she can only help you to be more successful at life if they know where you struggle. You can learn a variety of tips, tricks, and skills to help you be a better and more successful person, but those can only be learned once you open up and make the decision to be a student.

A trainer has excellent listening skills. They will do more listening than anything else because it’s an effective form of communication. Without listening to your needs, the training cannot be efficient. You have to work with a trainer in a back and forth way. You learn, and then you ask questions and ask more about what you need to know.

It is important that everyone needs a life coach in Sydney but your life coach should be a good listener. He need to be able to find out what’s going on in your life and figure out how to help you achieve more of your goals and live life in a more desirable way.

Training is training. There are parallels to be seen on every level whether someone is training you to play a sport better, training you on the job, or coaching you to be a better person and have a better life.

Discover more about how life coaching can be the training you need so you perfect your life skills.

Scott Epp and Greg Beech

Scott and Greg specialize in Corporate Training, Workshops, Leadership Training and Motivational Speaking in Sydney, Australia and Globally! We also focus on Life Coaching, Business Coaching and Executive Coaching in Sydney. Find more here to schedule a free consultation to discuss how we can do amazing things together! Also – feel free to call 0481 307 778 (Sydney, Australia)

NLP Sydney Creating Opportunities for Your Advancement

NLP coaching sydneyNeuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful tool for making extraordinary changes in someone else’s life. With NLP you can gain control over your emotions, behavior and state of mind, and also motivate others positively while enhancing your efficiency. And what of your business? Does it also get to enjoy some rewards? Certainly yes, NLP and life coaching Sydney can help your small business reach out to so many customers using devised strategies that work.

Okay, so you may wonder if at all NLP coaching is a good idea, and if it works or not. Not to worry, if any of the following are true to your cause then NLP is the solution.

  • You want to edge up your game and take your business to the next level. But the problem is you don’t have a proper plan in place to achieve this.
  • You spend so much time working on your business, but you just can’t seem to get the results you want.
  • You’ve simply got no idea of what your business objectives are and how you intend on attaining them. And you’re not even sure about your vision and goals anymore.
  • You’ve got a team of virtual staff, but their skills are not fine-tuned in the proper manner.

Before dwelling on the details, let’s take a quick round up and how NLP coaching can help your business and yourself and who is the best NLP and life coach in Sydney.

  • Catapulting your business in the right direction
  • Increasing revenue
  • Identifying, planning and achieving business objectives
  • Enhancing your company’s vision and tweaking it
  • Improving communication with both your virtual staff and your customers
  • Effectively developing and leading your virtual staff in a more efficient manner
  • Promoting and forging relationships with clients
  • Save time and money

What it can do for sales people

  • Develop lasting relationships with clients using win-win strategies—beneficial for you and the company
  • Identify customer needs and persuade them to do business with you.
  • Appreciate the relationship between your business and time, which will enable you to do more in less time.
  • Present your products and services in a way such that they will impact positively and powerfully on your customers, as well as entice them to buy.

What it can do for managers

  • Cultivate strong relationships with team members so that they can look up to you and perform in the way you want them to.
  • Set your business goals clearly and devise strategies of achieving them. Polish up these strategies to increase your success rate.
  • Lessen your team’s resistance and make it more flexible and adaptable to changes that may be implemented.
  • Motivate team members to they perform to their optimum ability and increase productivity
  • Manage meetings effectively making sure that conflicts don’t arise.

About Abundance Coaching

Scott Epp and Greg BeechScott and Greg specialize in NLP Coaching, Corporate Training, Workshops, Leadership Training and Motivational Speaking in Sydney, Australia and Globally! Abundance Coaching focus on Life Coaching, Business Coaching and Executive Coaching in Sydney and on the Phone or Skype. Call at +61 481 307 778 (Global) or 0481 307 778 (Sydney, Australia)!

Life Coaching Does Not Fit Me

Life CoachingIf you have achieved a certain level of success in your life then you may feel that life coaching is not for you. Even the proven results in increased financial status, improved relationships, and overall satisfaction in life through one-on-one coaching that Scott Epp and Abundance Coaching have achieved may not convince you that you and your business could dramatically improve using these techniques.Strange as it may seem, Scott would agree with you one hundred percent. A coach sits on the sidelines and receives a huge amount of information from assistants before he tells a player what to do. No organization can give you that level of support and that level of involvement. Life coaching in this manner is not financially or physically possible.

Now, consider yourself to be a star player. You get detailed directions every second of the game from a coach or set of coaches. You could not possibly run your life or your business if you needed second-to-second instructions about how to be successful.

The real world has tragically shown us that people that are used to micromanagement direction and need constant assistance in making decision cannot cope with the harsh realities of ever-changing hostile environments.

Pat Tillman was an American football star that nobly and selflessly volunteered for duty on the ground in the war in Afghanistan. Tillman was tragically killed accidentally by one of his own soldiers in a fire fight. A senate investigation found that Tillman was neither a great leader nor a competent commander because he was used to constant minute direction.

Naturally, you do not want to fail in any aspect of your life. You certainly do not want to be so tied to another person’s instruction that you cannot function independently or instinctively.

Our teaching methods are by no means what you may think of a life coach. We seek to produce a mind set in you that will accomplish abundance, contentment, and love in and for every aspect of your live. Our 45 minute one-on-one sessions are designed to adapt you to a mindset that motivates you to accomplish financial success. Spiritual, sexual, emotional, and physical abundance and satisfaction are our goals for you.

Success in lifeWe give you a path and a plan that can make you more successful than you ever imagined possible in every aspect of your life. The catch is we cannot do the work for you. We have a host of people that have benefited from our guidance and direction because they did not need a coach. What they needed was a purpose and direction to channel their abilities.

When you are ready for purpose and change instead of coaching then schedule a free 45 minute Life Purpose Plan session with us by calling Scott at 0481 307 778 in Australia or from anywhere in the world at +61 481 307 778. We can meet on the phone or through the internet and Skype at your convenience. This is absolutely free and the success stories of the people that did not need a coach can be found at our websites (

About the Author

Hi, my name is Scott Epp and I help people breakthrough their BIGGEST challenges so that they can live their life purpose with passion and abundance! I have been coached by some of the world’s best performance coaches and now I have been blessed to have helped 1000s of people on stage, in groups and one-on-one to breakthrough and achieve success in life. There is so much more that can be shared about beliefs, including how to develop highly effective empowering beliefs. I am a Sydney Life Coach and Sydney Business coach so if you live in Sydney we can meet one-on-one. Otherwise I coach a lot of my clients on the phone or via Skype. If you want to master your beliefs then go to Abundance Coaching to schedule a free one-on-one with me.

Creating Your Best Business Plan with Business Coach Sydney

Are you ready to start your own business? Are you looking to grow a business you’ve already begun working on? You don’t have to do it alone. Let business coach Sydney help you make the most of your ideas and help them grow to their fullest potential.

Business Coach Sydney

Whether your business is a venture you’ve been thinking about for years or a recent layoff has changed your career trajectory, business coach Sydney’s knowledge can take you to the next level, fast. In as crowded a field as the current business market, it’s important to find ways to stand out and to allow your business goals the opportunity to flourish. Taking the reins on your own business can be extremely rewarding, both financially and personally, but it can also take a lot out of you as you try and work out the kinks on the fly. Success isn’t guaranteed, but with business coach Sydney in your corner, you can get insider information to set you apart from the pack.


It’s important when embarking into a new business to ask yourself what kind of person you are, so you can identify your strength and weaknesses and thusly determine how you should approach the creation and development of your business. The business you’re working on, is it something you already know how to do, or will you have to learn and acquire a lot more skills before you’re ready to be successful? Do you enjoy doing it, or are you hoping to just be financially successful in your endeavor? These, and many more questions, are the type business coach Sydney can help with, and together you can plot a course set straight ahead to success. He can also provide plenty of ideas about tasks that might be of interest to you if you’re not sure what direction you want to go in. This will be one of the most important decisions you make in your professional life, and having the right person helping you steer the ship is vital to seeing a profitable return on your investment. Let business coach Sydney lead the charge with you.

Something else business coach Sydney can assist with is creating a part-time initiative that would also allow you to hold on to your full-time job and any subsequent benefits you and your family may require from it. While working less on a business may seem like it requires less time or energy, maintaining it can actually be just as, if not more, difficult. Figuring out what route to take as you start your business will be imperative to whether or not it succeeds, so let business coach Sydney share his expertise with you and chart a course that is individually catered to your needs and your strengths.

Scott and Greg specialize in Corporate Training, Workshops, Leadership Training and Motivational Speaking in Sydney, Australia and Globally! We also focus on Life Coaching, Business Coaching and Executive Coaching in Sydney and on the Phone or Skype. Click the links above or call +61 481 307 778 (Global) or 0481 307 778 (Sydney, Australia)

Life Coaching and Other Training Positions in Sydney Can Be Very Similar

When you want to learn how to do something, you find a trainer to show you how to make it happen. This can be done with virtually anything in life. You want to learn how to play tennis; you go to a tennis instructor. You want to learn how to drive; you go to a driving instructor. You want to succeed in life, you find a life coach.

life coaching

A life coach is very similar in nature to other training positions. Instead of showing you one particular skill, they show you how to sharpen all of your skills to be more successful in life.

Think about how any other trainer is going to work with you. They want to know what you need help with and then will work with you on developing that skill. They need to get a sense for who you are and what your strengths and weaknesses are. The same is true for a life coach Sydney.

One of the most important things is to be honest about what you need and where you struggle. If you were working with a trainer on the job, you would stick with it for as long as needed in order to know your role. You would want to know the ins and outs to do your job in the most effective way possible.

The same needs to hold true when you work with a life coach. He or she can only help you to be more successful at life if they know where you struggle. You can learn a variety of tips, tricks, and skills to help you be a better and more successful person, but those can only be learned once you open up and make the decision to be a student.

A trainer has excellent listening skills. They will do more listening than anything else because it’s an effective form of communication. Without listening to your needs, the training cannot be efficient. You have to work with a trainer in a back and forth way. You learn, and then you ask questions and ask more about what you need to know.

Scott life Coach

A life coach needs to be a good listener as well. They need to be able to find out what’s going on in your life and figure out how to help you achieve more of your goals and live life in a more desirable way.

Training is training. There are parallels to be seen on every level whether someone is training you to play a sport better, training you on the job, or coaching you to be a better person and have a better life.

Discover more about how life coaching can be the training you need so you perfect your life skills.

About the Author

Scott and Greg specialize in Corporate Training, Workshops, Leadership Training and Motivational Speaking in Sydney, Australia and Globally! We also focus on Life Coaching, Business Coaching and Executive Coaching in Sydney. Go to:  to schedule a free consultation to discuss how we can do amazing things together! Also – feel free to call 0481 307 778 (Sydney, Australia)

How Corporate Training Sydney Helps the Business Person to Lead Their Business?

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A lot of businesses in Sydney invest in corporate training in order to enhance morale and performance of their workers. This type of training can help address a particular need or encourage the staff to comply with working practices and international standards. Companies that are offering corporate training Sydney are constantly trying to enhance the superiority of the training that they offer to their clients.

Sydney is a home of some of the most workable business settings. Sydney is also a place of hard working, creative workers who are constantly looking for latest and state of the art ways to reinvent themselves.  To stand out from the rest, companies have need of an edge, and that is what corporate training Sydney can provide. From building greater accord amongst groups members, to make working settings ready for creative thinking, corporate training Sydney courses and programs assists businesses succeed and become thriving in this competitive place.

Corporate training Sydney concentrates on optimizing the communication of the business. It doesn’t matter if is studying French, English or other common languages, they have skilled and smart instructors that can customize their set of courses in order to fit the demands of the business while concentrating on own language improvement.

Corporate training Sydney helps companies improve the competitive edge in the world economy with personalized language business training.  They also personalized training so as to meet the exceptional needs of the company. This also improves the relationship between customer and staff and welcome world business opportunities.

Once the corporate training work the way it was intended, it can give an extensive set of benefits for the staff and the company itself as well. Advantages of corporate training Sydney programs take account of:

  • Improved employee and customer satisfaction
  • Greatest worker performance
  • A better team dynamics
  • Small amount of worker turnover

Corporate training program in Gujarat assists employees stand out from the rest. These programs provide tools which make them reliable and competent. These training programs help make presentation skills, leadership and skills in sales, which is not likely for a business to keep above the competition.

Aside from the typical teaching, corporate training Sydney also offers training online for small and big scale company employees. The benefits of undertaking this training are that they can be learned by all employees anywhere and anytime they want.  Participants are given with certificate after the finishing the training course. The most popular and sought after corporate training Sydney that is conducted online are those which help improve sales and the ability in leaderships.

There are lots of companies in Sydney that offer corporate training program. During this training course, participants will learn the main objectives and targets of a company as well as analyze and improve their abilities that they can use or apply when performing their job. Corporate training Sydney is very essential in so many ways. It can help your employees become more efficient and productive, allowing you to deliver better services to your clients and achieve high return on investment.

About the Author


Hi, my name is Scott Epp and I help people breakthrough their BIGGEST challenges so that they can live their life purpose with passion and abundance! I work with business owners, professionals and anyone is wants more from life and knows that they have a destiny that they need to fulfill. I have been coached by some of the world’s best performance coaches and now I have been blessed to have helped 1000s of people on stage, in groups and one-on-one to breakthrough and achieve success in life. There is so much more that can be shared about beliefs, including how to develop highly effective empowering beliefs. I am a Sydney Life Coach and Sydney Business Coach and Corporate Trainer so if you live in Sydney we can meet one-on-one. Otherwise I coach a lot of my clients on the phone or via Skype. If you want to master your beliefs then go to: to schedule a free one-on-one with me.