Tips for Getting the Most out of Life: Why Life Coaching Sydney can Change the way you Approach Life

Life coaching Sydney aims to point you in the right direction for productive living skillsLife coaching changes you from the inside out.  You cannot always control what comes at you and goes on around you, but you can use it to your advantage.  There are few tips to get the most out of your life coaching experience.

Life Coaching

-Prepare ahead of time for your first meeting, and all meetings.  Do not expect to remember everything you want to talk about.  A lot can happen between meetings.  Write things down.  You will be surprised at the end of a week how much you can learn from a little journaling.  Make a list of specific points you would like to focus onLife coaching is not a simple task, it takes changing the way you look at things sometimes.  You will be able to track your own thought process along the way as well if you write things down.  This can be very encouraging later on when you go back and look over your progress.

-Take care of yourself.  Your life coach meeting is for you.  Allow yourself to feel special and worthwhile.  You are doing something to benefit your life.  Ladies, wear your new lip gloss or favorite hat.Be yourself.  Prepare for a good day.  Start taking control of the little things to keep yourself healthy physically as well.  Get enough sleep, eat healthy, and get some exercise.  Remind yourself you are important, even if you have to write yourself a note!

-Unclutter your mind.  Most of us go through our day thinking about what comes next, always feeling like we are running behind.  Do the best you can to get tasks out of the way before your appointment so your mind is not somewhere else.  Finish up the assignment for work or school that is due the next day, finish the laundry, and organize the closet, whatever is keeping you from thinking about the task at hand.  You may find that simply taking control of the tasks that overwhelm you starts you on the right track to making necessary changes you need.

Unclutter Your Mind

-Prepare to change.  Our biggest obstacle is often our own mind.  Be open to a different way of thinking.  There really might be a more productive way to view a situation.  Try not to shy away from something different than the way you have always done things.  After all, this is aimed at a supporting a better you.

-Speak up.  Your coach wants you to talk.  This is not a classroom, it is your life.  Be open and honest about your feelings and thoughts in your sessions.  This will help you feel more valued, in control, and will help your coach target areas to work on.

Your self Esteem with Life Coaching should be something that brings a better situation.  Take the effort to get the most out of your investment.  This is the best way to make the changes you want and need.

3 Weird Questions that Help You Find Your Life Purpose

I have always found the weirder the question you being asked, the more you find out about yourself. When we think about these odd or weird questions, we answer more truthfully and we try to make sense of these questions. So why not the answer one of the biggest questions in our life, “What is my purpose in life?”, but what if this question is the wrong one. Should we be asking ourselves “What can I do with my time that is important?” Sydney Life coaches are great at helping you get where you want to be; but you need to know where that is first. Here are some odd questions to ask yourself so you are able to figure something out and maybe find your purpose in life.

Life Purpose

1.     What is true about you today that would make your 8-Year Old Self Cry?

This is a hard question as we are constantly moving forward, and normally we don’t look back. Childhood is an amazing time, it’s the time we are the most creative, and sadly we lose that creativity as we get older.  So think about your 8-year-old self, what was your favorite thing to do? Not to impress anyone, but for the sheer joy of it. Now why did you stop doing that activity? Most answers would make your 8-year old self cry.

2.     How can you better embarrass yourself?

Before you are able to be good at something and do something important, you must first suck at something and have no clue what you’re doing. And in order to suck at something and have no clue what you’re doing, you must embarrass yourself in some shape or form, often repeatedly. Most people try to avoid embarrassing themselves, namely because it sucks and is one the worst things in life. However, most people who avoid embarrassing themselves never get better at something or never do the thing they want to do.

Right now, you are fantasizing about doing something. What is stopping you from doing it? if your reasons are, “My parents would hate it,” or “If I failed, I’d look like an idiot,” then chances are you’re actually avoiding something you truly care about.  Furthermore, caring about that thing is what scares the heck out of you, not what mom thinks or what Bob next door says. Life coaches can help you realize that you may fail, but you may be successful if you just take the first steps.

Life Purpose Resources

3.     If You Knew You Were Going to Die One Year from Today, What Would You Do and How Would You Want to Be Remembered?

This is a morbid question, I know.  However, thinking about our own death surprisingly has a lot of practical advantages. One of those advantages is that it forces us to zero in on what’s actually important in our lives and what’s just distracting us.

What is your legacy going to be? What are the stories people are going to tell about you when you’re gone? What is your obituary going to say? Is there anything to say at all? If not, what would you like it to say? How can you start working towards that today? These are all questions that you should answer at least once in your lifetime. These questions really focus in on what is important to you, and helps you to start creating what you want to leave behind. There is always help from life coaches in Sydney; after you have this goal in mind.